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Fig. 6 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Co-transcriptional R-loops-mediated epigenetic regulation drives growth retardation and docetaxel chemosensitivity enhancement in advanced prostate cancer

Fig. 6

IGF2BPs upregulate SEMA3F expression via repelling DNMT1. A DNA methylation levels of the SEMA3F gene in TCGA prostate cancer tissues from different groups (blue lines represented the SEMA3F high expression group, purple lines represented the SEMA3F low expression group) were shown by MEPRESS. B Identification of dsDNA specific binding proteins by pull-down. Western blot indicated pulldown of DNMT proteins from PC-3 nuclear extract. C Western blot assay showed the protein levels of SEMA3F in DNMT1 and DNMT3A knockdown compared to control. D Overexpression of IGF2BPs altered global DNA methylation patterns which represented more hypomethylated CpG islands, CGI shelves and shores. E DNA methylation levels of hyper-methylated SEMA3F CpG sites (red square box) decreased in IGF2BPs overexpression teams as compared with control. F ChIP-qPCR analysis showed that IGF2BPs overexpression leads to more DNMT1 binding of SEMA3F promoter. G DNMT1 activities in wild-type and RRM mutant IGF2BPs groups were lower than control and KH1-4 mutants. Data are presented as means ± SD, two-tailed unpaired t-test

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