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Fig. 3 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 3

From: Pan-cancer spatially resolved single-cell analysis reveals the crosstalk between cancer-associated fibroblasts and tumor microenvironment

Fig. 3

Spatial distribution characteristics of CAFs. a Spatial cell charting of CAFs in OVCA1 using CellTrek. b Density plots showing high-density regions of iCAFs and mCAFs in OVCA1. c Spatial cell charting of CAFs in CRC1 using CellTrek. d Density plots showing high-density regions of iCAFs and mCAFs in CRC1. e Heatmap showing the average k-distance from different cell types to iCAFs in each tissue tissue slice. The columns were scaled. f Integrated ranking of cell types based on proximity to iCAFs using RRA algorithm across 22 tissue slices. g Heatmap showing the average k-distance from different cell types to mCAFs in each tissue slice. The columns were scaled. h Integrated ranking of cell types based on proximity to mCAFs using RRA algorithm across 22 tissue slices. i Heatmap showing the average k-distance from different cell types to meCAFs in each tissue slice. The columns were scaled. j Integrated ranking of cell types based on proximity to meCAFs using RRA algorithm across 22 tissue slices. k Heatmap showing the average k-distance from different cell types to pCAFs in each tissue slice. The columns were scaled. l Integrated ranking of cell types based on proximity to pCAFs using RRA algorithm across 22 tissue slices. m Left: Circular plot showing the proportions of proximal and distal regions of CAFs. Right: heatmap showing the enrichment of various cell types in the proximal and distal regions for each CAF subpopulation. The paired t-test was used to compare the differences in cell proportions between the proximal and distal regions for each CAF subpopulation. Red color represents enrichment of a cell type in the proximal region of CAFs, while blue color represents enrichment of a cell type in the distal region of CAFs. Only p values < 0.05 are shown

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