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Fig. 2 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Molecular and metabolic regulation of immunosuppression in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Fig. 2

Factors contributing to immunosuppression and PDAC metastasis. A Downregulation of AMPK, a metabolic sensor, decreases several metabolic enzymes leading to reduced glucose and ATP levels in the tumor, which triggers cells to undergo EMT. B Metabolic priming and lactate accumulation promote the infiltration of suppressive immune cells that contribute to an immunosuppressive cytokine and chemokine pool and deregulate immune surveillance, Ag-presentation, and effector immune functions. Immune dysregulation and increased immunosuppression promote EMT and metastasis in PDAC. Abbreviations: Arg1-arginase 1; MAM-metastasis-associated macrophages MRC1- mannose receptor C-type 1, TAMs- tumor associated macrophages; MDSCs- myeloid-derived suppressor cells; Treg- regulatory T cells; NK cells- natural killer cells; HSF1- heat shock factor -1; mTOR- mammalian target of rapamycin; PKM2- pyruvate kinase M2

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