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Fig. 2 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Enhancement of TKI sensitivity in lung adenocarcinoma through m6A-dependent translational repression of Wnt signaling by circ-FBXW7

Fig. 2

Stem-like cells retained the regeneration capability to re-produce lung cancer group in a Wnt activation dependent manner. Different markers referring to identifying the Stem-like cells may distinguish diverse sub-group of different signatures. A In HCC827 cell lines and H1975 cell lines, the groups of stem-like cells with CD133+/CD24− markers was 21.4% and 17.2% relatively. B The stem cells of ALDH1A1+ surface marker accounted for a small group of 2.34% (HCC827) and 1.31% (H1975) respectively. C the ALDH1A1+ cells could renew themselves and form the spheres effectively. D The amplified stem cells population of spheres were naturally resistant to Osimertinib treatment, as was the Osimertinib resistant lung cancer cells. E–F Schematic images illustrated the different cells division manners, and the unpaired DNA segregation modes. The palette color set of rainbow mode was used to show the glow scale of each single cell at the dividing process. Wnt signaling effectors were overexpressed in lung cancer stem cells (G), and in the resistant cells (H). I-J Wnt signaling functions were verified to be effectively repressed by Capmatinib, TCF-4, SNAI1, SOX2 inhibition, and then was found to promote the differentiability-oriented symmetrical cell dividing, and decreased the asymmetrical self-renewing and the symmetrical self-renewing

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