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Fig. 6 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Lysyl hydroxylase LH1 promotes confined migration and metastasis of cancer cells by stabilizing Septin2 to enhance actin network

Fig. 6

LH1 promotes in vivo metastasis via SEPT2 A In vivo imaging of the tumor-bearing mice at the end of the experiment. B Bioluminescence intensity of the control or LH1-overexpressing group at the indicated time point. C Percentage of mice with multiple-centered tumor (more than 1 tumor center or distant metastasis). D Gross image of liver under bright field and bioluminescence imaging of each group. E HE staining showing the tumor in liver or lung of each group. F Bioluminescence intensity of the lung metastasis among LH1 vector, overexpression and SEPT2 knockdown groups. *, P < 0.05;**, P < 0.01;***, P < 0.001

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