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Fig. 5 | Molecular Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Lysyl hydroxylase LH1 promotes confined migration and metastasis of cancer cells by stabilizing Septin2 to enhance actin network

Fig. 5

Knockdown of SEPT2 reverses the effect of LH1 A&B Knockdown of SEPT2 (assigned as sh2 or sh3) inhibited the confined migration of LH1-overexpressing SK-Hep1 (A) and SNU449 (B) cells. C Knockdown of SEPT2 reversed the 3D invasion of LH1-overexpressing SK-Hep1 cells. Significant difference was found between SK-Vector-Ctrl and SK-Vector-sh3 cells, and between SK-LH1-Ctrl and SK-LH1-sh3 cells. D Knockdown of SEPT2 reversed the 3D invasion of LH1-overexpressing SNU449 cells. Significant difference was found between SNU-LH1-Ctrl and SNU-LH1-sh2 or sh3 cells. E&F Knockdown of SEPT2 reduced the sphere formation of LH1-overexpressing SK-Hep1 (E) and SNU449 (F) cells, which was more obvious under hard hydrogels. G&H Transwell migration showing that knockdown of SEPT2 reduced the transmembrane migration of LH1-overexpressing SK-Hep1 (G) and SNU449 (H) cells. I&J Knockdown of SEPT2 led to the reduction in actin filaments in LH1-overexpression SK-Hep1 (I) and SNU449 cells (J). K&L Co-immunoprecipitation assays showing the binding between SEPT2 and α-actin but not β-actin in SK-Hep1 (K) and SNU449 cells (L). Overexpression of LH1 enhanced the binding. M Co-immunoprecipitation assays showing the binding between SEPT2 and α-actin but not β-actin in PDAC cells. *, P < 0.05;**, P < 0.01;***, P < 0.001

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