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Table 2 Classification of small molecule kinase inhibitors

From: Kinase-targeted cancer therapies: progress, challenges and future directions

Class of Kinase Inhibitor

Mechanism of Action


Type I

Competes for the substrate and binds in the ATP-binding pocket of the active conformation

Bosutinib, Cabozantinib, Ceritinib, Crizotinib, Gefitinib, Pazopanib, Ruxolitinib, Vandetanib

Type II

Type II inhibitors bind to the DFG-Asp out protein kinase conformation, which corresponds to an inactive enzyme form

Imatinib, Sorafenib, Axitinib, Nilotinib

Type III (Allosteric Inhibitor)

Occupy a site next to the ATP-binding pocket so that both ATP and the allosteric inhibitor can bind simultaneously to the protein.

Trametinib, GnF2

Type IV (Substrate Directed Inhibitors)

Undergo a reversible interaction outside the ATP pocket and offer selectivity against targeted kinases


Type V (Covalent Inhibitor)

Bind covalently (irreversible)to their protein kinase target

Afatinib, Ibrutinib, HK1–272